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February 2021 Pre-Orders

February 2021 Pre-Orders

We here at Fitness King wanted to give you all an update on our latest round of Pre-Orders ahead of our next shipment and thank all of you who have pre-ordered for your support.

We still have good availability on most of our items, however due to overwhelming demand we did sell out of our 100KG Bumper Plate and Barbell Starter bundle earlier in the week however following customer feedback and a big of shuffling at our end we have been able to relist this for just £50 more featuring our Premium Black Zinc Barbell. This premium barbell has a weighted rate limit of 680KG (yes that is more than the dead lift world record for those paying attention) and we think it looks even better in black than it did in chrome.

We are also down to our last few Hex Dumbbell Sets complete with stand so they may very well have gone by the time you read this blog, or if they haven't jump in quick if you are on the fence! 

Don't forget all of our Pre-Orders still feature 10% discount as our thanks for you placing your orders in advance and you can also take advantage of interest-free finance with our partner Klarna.

Lastly a shipping update for all who will be wanting to know. We are as keen to get these items into your hands as fast as you are keen to receive them! As it stands we are expecting stock to land late February on the very final weekend of the month meaning they would dispatched to yourselves the following Monday. 

We have heard from some colleagues in other industries that they are currently struggling getting items through ports and customs and we have been asking our shipping agents for the latest news on this. As it stands we have not been informed of any problems or delays but rest assured we will continue to actively monitor this and if anything changes we will let you all know ASAP.

So all that remains is to thank you again for any pre-orders you have already placed or will place with us in the future and don't forget you can always Contact Us with any questions you may have.

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